Monday, November 30, 2009

December Newsletter Now Available!

The December issue of the e-Newsletter is now available on the City's website: In this issue, we explain the benefits of the Jerome Urban Renewal Agency, provided some helpful holiday tips to ensure a safe holiday season, discuss the City's purchase of property for a new City Hall, and several other city projects and updates. To access the newsletter, visit our website and click on the link for "Newsletter." As always, your feedback is appreciated.

The City of Jerome Purchases Property for a New City Hall

The article reprinted below appeared in the Friday, November 27 issue of the Time News. In brief, it summarizes a special meeting of the Jerome City Council where the City reached an agreement with the Jerome School District to purchase the old Central Elementary School site. The site will be used for the location of a new City Hall, replacing the dilapidated and outdated current City Hall, Police Station, and Fire Station located at 152 E Ave A. For more information, contact the City at 324-8189.

The Times News article:

JEROME — In a rare joint session, Jerome’s City Council and school board agreed to the city purchasing the former Central Elementary School site from the Jerome School District as the future site for a future city hall, police station and fire station.

The nearly 7.7-acre site just west of the Jerome County Courthouse and county jail is one of three building sites the county considered for the proposed new county jail and sheriff’s station.

City Administrator Ben Marchant presented the proposal to the school board for the $398,500 land purchase. Of that, $175,000 will be cash and $123,000 ofin-kind reimbursement. Payment includes an agreement for the city to reconstruct Third Avenue at a total cost of $250,000 and remove a current school district maintenance building when building plans are in place.

For now, the school district will continue to use the maintenance building. Once the structure is demolished, the city will waive the building permit fee for the school district to build a replacement.

Marchant explained the city’s interest in building a municipal complex but added there are no immediate plans to build. Earlier, he acknowledged there is no financing currently in place for such project, which could be several years from realization.

School Trustee Byron Burnham said the land sale would benefit both the city and the school district.

“I think this is in the best interest of the entire community and the taxpayers,” said Councilman John Shine, Jerome’s mayor elect.

Both boards unanimously approved the sale.

There were no comments about the site being one of Jerome County’s three preferred sites to build ajustice center that wouldinclude a jail.

“We knew the city was interested in it,” County Commission Chairman Charlie Howell said Wednesday.

“The site presented a couple of different problems for the jail. It would have been difficult for a private company to acquire that property from a school district to build a jail,” Howell said, referring to the county’s lease-to-purchase proposal for a new county jail. A private company would own the facility and accompanying land.

John Plestina may be reached at or 208-358-7062

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ribbon Cutting for New Senior Center!

In coordination with the JCSCSA and the Jerome CoC, we will be having a ribbon cutting for the new Jerome Senior Citizen Center at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 24th. The new Senior Center is located at 520 North Lincoln. Please join us for this event.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Highlights from Last Night's Council Meeting

  • Rezoning of 32.02 acres located at 100 South and 100 East: PASSED
  • Fire Captains and newly hired Firefighters were pinned by Chief Hatfield (photos forthcoming)
  • Sawtooth Veterinary Hospital was publicly acknowledge for their contributions to the Jerome Animal Shelter
  • Dani Butz from Jerome High School proposed the idea of having a Youth City Council to the Mayor and Council. Her proposal was well received and Council expressed a desire to move forward with this. No motion was made.
  • Mayor and Council approved the purchase and construction of new bio tower for the Waste Water Treatment Facility. This bio tower will alleviate the over capacity issues that Plant is experiencing and reduce the amount of solids removed.
  • Mayor and Council approved a 2010 benefit package for health, dental, life, and vision insurance for city employees.
  • Ben Marchant, City Administrator, provided the Mayor and Council with an update on the City's Strategic goals and on a land acquisition project.
  • Micah Austin, Assistant to the City Administrator, updated the Mayor and Council on Planning and Zoning and on the various methods of communication current used to keep in touch with our citizens, including the e-Newsletter, the website, the City Blog, and Facebook.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Road Closure Notice for Monday November 16

Road Closure Notice: From Adams to Buchanan along 3rd Ave East will be closed next Monday for the installation of a fire line (water line). Crews will work to finish this small project as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

City Council Agenda for Nov. 17, 5:30 pm

The Jerome City Council meets next Tuesday, November 17, at 5:30 pm at the Council Chambers located at 100 East Ave A. The agenda is copied below and will be available as a hardcopy at the Council Chambers the night of the meeting. As always, all members of the public are welcome to attend the council meeting and to address the council on issues of concern. For any questions, please call City Hall: 324-8189

The agenda for City Council Meeting, November 17, 2009; 5:30 pm

Call to Order – 5:30 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Hearings
1. Public Hearing to consider the recommendation of Planning and Zoning to approve a request from Gerald Martens, representing Gary Wolverton, to rezone those parcels described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, Lutheran Care Village Subdivision, Section 19, Township 8 South, Range 17, comprising a total of 32.02 acres; more or less, and more commonly known as 1 South and 1 East of Jerome, from Residential 2 (R-2) to Area Business (AB).


1. Presentation and pinning of Badges for Fire Captains
2. Oath of Office for Fire Captains and Firefighter Engineers
3. Thank you to Sawtooth Veterinary Hospital for Bow Wow Shelter Park

Consent Agenda
The consent calendar consists of items that are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in the form of one motion. Any item can be removed from the consent calendar and heard in its regular order at the request of any council member or the mayor.

4. Approve the minutes of the October 20, 2009 regular meeting, the October 20, 2009 executive session, and the November 4, 2009 special meeting
5. Officer Reports: Fire, Law Enforcement, Treasurer, Library, and Building
6. Claims

Citizen Correspondence, Issues & Reports
7. Jared Sauer, 413 East Avenue B, to discuss irrigation assessment policy
8. Dani Butz to discuss her Senior Year Project regarding a Youth City Council Program
City Council Discussion & Possible Action Items
9. To consider the recommendation of Jerome City Planning and Zoning regarding rezoning certain parcels known as Lots 1-8 of the Lutheran Care Village Subdivision from Residential-2 to Area Business – Administration

10. Approve construction of a second bio-tower – Wastewater

11. Approve the purchase of a Pitney Bowes Mail Inserting System – Administration

12. Personnel Training – Laura Burnett to attend the Public Library Association Conference in Portland Oregon March 24th – 27th, 2010 – Library

13. Personnel Training – Approve Detective Dan Kennedy to attend the Death and Homicide Investigation Course in Las Vegas, Nevada December 7 thru December 11, 2009 – Police

14. Personnel Training - Approve Officer Janeece Gonzales to attend the Criminal Drug Interdiction for Patrol Officers Course in Las Vegas, Nevada November 30 thru December 2, 2009 – Police

Council Reports
City Administrative Report
Department Head Reports

Progress on the 93 Tech Park

Crews are making progress on installing sewer and water pipe at the the 93 Tech Park (also known as the Jerome Butte Tech Park). Predominantly completed by public works technicians, Randy Bryant and Ron Olsen, crews continue to install pipe even with the wintry weather. The pictures above show Randy and Ron fusing water pipes in preparation for installation.

After the infrastructue has been installed for the butte project, streets, curb and gutter will finish the improvements necessary for business to begin construction on their own buildings. With the POP and OC 192 broadband connection, the 93 Tech Park will be the most desirable location in the Magic Valley for tech dependent businesses. For more information, call the City's economic development team: 208-324-8189. Ask for Ben Marchant or Micah Austin.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Planning and Zoning Commission Meets Tonight: 7:00 pm

The Planning and Zoning Commission meets tonight to discuss the applications of two special use permits for family daycare centers within the City. For those interested, the meeting begins at 7:00 pm at the City Council Chambers in downtown Jerome. The agenda for the P&Z meeting is below:

Regular Meeting
November 10, 2009
7:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order & Roll Call

2. Approval of October 27, 2009 regular meeting minutes

3. Public Hearing: consider Alisa Johnson’s renewal request for a Special Use Permit allowing a group daycare (7-12 children) located on Lot 4 Block 4 in Hillcrest Subdivision, NW Section 18, Township 8 South, Range 17, East of the Boise Meridian, more commonly known as 219 Mountain View Drive in Jerome.

4. Public Hearing: consider Elizabeth Pancoast’s request for a Special Use Permit allowing a family childcare facility (6 or fewer children) located on Lot3 Block 1 Mountain View Subdivision in the NE quarter of Section 18, Township 8 south, Range 17, East of the Boise meridian, more commonly known as 836 Teton Drive in Jerome.

5. Consider Alisa Johnson’s renewal request for a Special use Permit allowing a group daycare (7-12 children) on that parcel more commonly known as 219 Mountain View Drive

6. Consider Elizabeth Pancoast’s request for a Special Use Permit allowing a family childcare facility (6 or fewer children) on that parcel more commonly known as 836 Teton Drive

7. Staff Reports

8. Adjournment

Friday, November 6, 2009

Design Guidelines Committee for Downtown Jerome

As mentioned in an article printed in the Times News last week, the City of Jerome is taking a proactive approach to revitalizing Jerome by instituting a set of design guidelines that address architectural and aesthetic standards for the downtown. The City is currently in the process of developing these standards. As part of this process, the City is encouraging anyone interested in assisting in contributing their opinion, concerns, and thoughts in creating these design standards to join the Downtown Design Review Committee. This committee will work closely with the Planning and Zoning Commission to draft design standards that reflect the desires and expectations of the community as a whole.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in serving on the Downtown Design Review Committee, the please contact the Planning and Zoning Administrator, Micah Austin, and let him know your interest. We are hoping to have these Design Review Guidelines completed by early 2010 so that we can begin the new year with the goal of revitalizing our downtown. Contact Information:

Micah Austin
208-324-8189 ext 101

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election Results

As printed below, a special meeting of the City Council will be held to officially recognize the election. As of now, here is a summary of the results:

Mayor Elect: John Shine
Council Members Elect: Chris Barber (incumbent) and Robert W. Culver (incumbent)

Special Council Meeting Tonight

A special meeting of the City Council will be held tonight at 5:30 pm at the City Council Chambers. At this meeting, the election results will be officially recognized. The new mayor will be announced as well as the two council members who received the majority of votes. The mayor and council members will begin their terms in January 2010.

This meeting will be held at the City Council Chambers located at 100 East Ave A. For updates, check back with the City Blog or the City Facebook page.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Remember to Vote!

Today is Election Day, please remember to vote. For residents living north of Main Street, the polling place is at the Jerome Public Library. For residents living south of Main Street, the polling place is the City Council Chambers. Polls will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. All residents age 18 and older are allowed to vote. Same day registration at the polls is available.


John Andoe
Mike Dahmer
John Shine


Chris Barber
Robert W. Culver
Senate Dale Eskridge
Dale S. Ross
Larry H. Webb