Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meet the Candidates for City Council

The Jerome Civic Club is hosting an evening to Meet the Candidates for City Council. This will be held on October 26th, 7:00-9:00 pm at the Jerome Senior Center (old), located next to the post office (Train Depot).

- Chris Barber
- Bob Culver
- Senate Eskridge
- Dale Ross
- Larry Webb

When: October 26, 2009 (Monday)
Where: Jerome Senior Center (Train Depot), located next to the post office
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Bring questions to ask the candidates. All questions will be submitted to the moderator for consideration.


  1. October 26th or October 28th?

  2. October 26th. Sorry for the confusion. The blog post has been corrected. Thank you!
